the prevalence package
tools for prevalence assessment studies.

Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples


Bayesian estimation of true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing individual samples.


truePrev(x, n, SE = 1, SP = 1, prior = c(1, 1),
         nchains = 2, burnin = 10000, update = 10000,
         verbose = FALSE)


x The apparent number of positive samples
n The sample size
SE, SP The prior distribution for sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP); see details for specification of these distributions
prior The parameters of the prior Beta distribution for true prevalence; defaults to c(1, 1)
nchains The number of chains used in the estimation process; must be 2
burnin The number of discarded model iterations; defaults to 10,000
update The number of withheld model iterations; defaults to 10,000
verbose Logical flag, indicating if JAGS process output should be printed to the R console; defaults to FALSE


truePrev calls on JAGS via the rjags package to estimate the true prevalence from the apparent prevalence in a Bayesian framework. The default model, in BUGS language, is given below. To see the actual fitted model, see the model slot of the prev-object.

model {
  x ~ dbin(AP, n)
  AP <- SE * TP + (1 - SP) * (1 - TP)
  # SE ~ user-defined
  # SP ~ user-defined
  TP ~ dbeta(prior[1], prior[2])

The test sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) can be specified, independently, as one of fixed (default), uniform, beta, pert, or beta-expert.

More info on specifying distributions is available here.


A prev-class object.


Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in truePrev is performed by JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) through the rjags package. JAGS can be downloaded from


See also

coda for various functions that can be applied to the prev@mcmc object

truePrevPools: estimate true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing pooled samples with a single test

truePrevMulti: estimate true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing individual samples with multiple tests, using a conditional probability scheme

truePrevMulti2: estimate true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing individual samples with multiple tests, using a covariance scheme

betaPERT: calculate the parameters of a Beta-PERT distribution

betaExpert: calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution based on expert opinion


## Taenia solium cysticercosis in Nepal
## 142 positives out of 742 pigs sampled
## Model SE and SP based on literature data
## Sensitivity ranges uniformly between 60% and 100%
## Specificity ranges uniformly between 75% and 100%
## .. BUGS-style
truePrev(x = 142, n = 742,
         SE = ~dunif(0.60, 1.00), SP = ~dunif(0.75, 1.00))
#>     mean median  mode    sd  2.5% 97.5%
#> TP 0.129  0.126 0.169 0.078 0.006 0.282
#> SE 0.780  0.770 0.632 0.114 0.608 0.986
#> SP 0.895  0.892 0.837 0.057 0.804 0.994
#> Multivariate BGR statistic = 1.0007
#> BGR values substantially above 1 indicate lack of convergence
## .. list-style
SE <- list(dist = "uniform", min = 0.60, max = 1.00)
SP <- list(dist = "uniform", min = 0.75, max = 1.00)
truePrev(x = 142, n = 742, SE = SE, SP = SP)
#>     mean median  mode    sd  2.5% 97.5%
#> TP 0.134  0.132 0.138 0.078 0.008 0.284
#> SE 0.778  0.765 0.634 0.116 0.607 0.986
#> SP 0.899  0.896 0.879 0.056 0.804 0.995
#> Multivariate BGR statistic = 1.0031
#> BGR values substantially above 1 indicate lack of convergence
## Model SE and SP based on expert opinion
## .. SE lies in between 60% and 100%; most likely value is 90%
## .. SP is with 95% confidence larger than 75%; most likely value is 90%
SE <- list(dist = "pert", a = 0.60, m = 0.90, b = 1.00)
SP <- list(dist = "beta-expert", mode = 0.90, lower = 0.75, p = 0.95)
truePrev(x = 142, n = 742, SE = SE, SP = SP)
#>     mean median  mode    sd  2.5% 97.5%
#> TP 0.107  0.108 0.109 0.055 0.008 0.209
#> SE 0.860  0.867 0.888 0.068 0.715 0.972
#> SP 0.889  0.889 0.881 0.043 0.809 0.968
#> Multivariate BGR statistic = 1.001
#> BGR values substantially above 1 indicate lack of convergence
## Model SE and SP as fixed values (each 90%)
truePrev(x = 142, n = 742, SE = 0.90, SP = 0.90)
#>     mean median  mode    sd  2.5% 97.5%
#> TP 0.115  0.115 0.115 0.018 0.081 0.151
#> SE 0.900  0.900 0.900 0.000 0.900 0.900
#> SP 0.900  0.900 0.900 0.000 0.900 0.900
#> BGR statistic = 1.0001 (upper CL = 1.0001)
#> BGR values substantially above 1 indicate lack of convergence
